Earlier this week I saw an article on CNN about the new Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis, MN. The article Guthrie
basically says that the new theater wants to draw people in see theatrical performances, but also to hang out drinking coffee at the cafe, eating at the fine-dining restaurant or drinking at one of the 13 bars.

The reason for this post is not to publicize the Guthrie, but rather to critique their ads in downtown Minneapolis. Today, I was in the IDS Tower. I noticed a rather large, probably 7’x10′, print ad. Rather than breaking up the ad and showing the versatility of the building, the ad shows a theatrical character and says "The Guthrie Theater" in large letters.

Maybe I am blowing this out of proportion a little, but the IDS Tower is one of the busiest in downtown Minneapolis. It attracts many business people that can afford fine-dining and expensive drinks. Also, it attracts visitors from out of town, but only during the week. These out-of-town visitors are great prospects for checking out the restaurant and bars at the Guthrie, since they are on expense accounts and want to experience the city during their stay.

The Big Deal: Marketing is in the details. Customers and prospects do notice the nuances. While ripping the Guthrie’s marketing team, I do have to compliment their efforts for gaining placement on CNN’s Travel section. This may help their cause more than one print ad in downtown Minneapolis, but I would argue that they are two different audiences.