When first venturing into the world of internet marketing, with the overwhelming jargon and rapid speed of change, many people just need a bit of direction and a helpful push to try something new. Why not try to find out more ways here to improve your marketing?

That’s why I’ve created a list of 65 things you can do to improve your online marketing for under $65.

They don’t require a ton of time, talent or capital. Most of them are free, and anyone in a company can do them. Not just the marketing, PR, advertising types. Work with digital marketing companies Boston to help boost your business’ online presence and reach a wider audience. To help improve your social media marketing, you may setup an Instagram page and buy cheap instagram followers.

Note: You don’t have to do them all….today. Pick 2 or 3, and get started.


It’s About Creating a System

It’s the sum of all these parts that make up an internet marketing system that will help you be successful using the internet for business. Being relevant never hurt either.


Future Plans for This List

I plan to add links to related resources, but I wanted to get the list live, first. You can always Google anything you don’t already know about.


The List

  1. Research and listen to your customers
  2. Conduct a survey of past customers
  3. Ask your customers to review your products or services on popular web sites
  4. Ask a customer for a testimonial
  5. Figure out a new customer is worth.
  6. Use SpyFu to check on your competitors
  7. Do keyword research with Google Keyword Tool and Traffic Estimator
  8. Improve your Web site’s Page Titles
  9. Improve your Web site’s Meta Descriptions
  10. Add more lists to your Web site.
  11. Get rid of the slow-loading Flash intro and “Enter Site” on your home page
  12. Add a form to your Web site. (free trial, request a quote, request information, etc.)
  13. Add your office locations to each page of your web site.
  14. Create a listing on Google Local Business Center
  15. Create a listing on Yahoo Local
  16. Create a listing on Bing Local Listing Center
  17. Add your Web site to DMOZ
  18. Add your Web site to Best of the Web
  19. Create a listing on MerchantCircle
  20. Create a listing on Yelp
  21. Create a listing on YellowPages
  22. Create a listing on SuperPages
  23. Create a listing on HotFrog
  24. Create a listing on iBegin
  25. Create a Squidoo Lens
  26. Create a listing on InfoUSA
  27. Create a listing on MagicYellow
  28. Create and Submit an XML Sitemap to Google, Yahoo and Bing
  29. Test a new PPC advertising campaign
  30. Test a new display advertising campaign
  31. Advertise your products on shopping engines
  32. Upload photos of your past projects to Flickr
  33. Create a Facebook Page for Your Business
  34. Create a LinkedIn Profile for Your Business
  35. Create a video or slideshow for YouTube
  36. Create a Twitter account for customer service, new product announcements, etc.
  37. Create a Google Profile
  38. Create a MySpace page
  39. Tweet the media the a story idea
  40. Join HARO
  41. Create a Blog or a Blog Post
  42. Submit your blog articles to Digg and Delicious
  43. Register your Blog on Blog Directories
  44. E-mail an industry blogger and ask to write a guest post
  45. Create and distribute a podcast
  46. Host a webinar
  47. Post upcoming offline events to industry sites
  48. Create and distribute a Top 10 List
  49. Create a free newsletter on MerchantCircle
  50. Send out an e-mail newsletter
  51. Create a 48-Hour Sale and promote it via e-mail
  52. Add your Web site address to your e-mail signature
  53. Add a link to sign up for your e-newsletter to your e-mail signature
  54. Host a free Q&A session via conference call.
  55. Write an article and submit it to article directories
  56. Post 5 products for sale on Ebay Store
  57. Create a Yahoo! Store with your 5 best-selling products
  58. List your 5 best-selling products for sale on Amazon
  59. Integrate PayPal on to your Website
  60. Create a data feed for Google Base
  61. Write a whitepaper
  62. Write or record a case study about a past project
  63. Donate products or services to a silent auction
  64. Answer questions on forums, LinkedIn, MerchantCircle, etc.
  65. Ask a complementary business in your area to trade links

Thanks for reading. Now get started. You can do it!



Leave a comment, tweet me @Crentmeester, or e-mail me ( craig at relevantemarketing.com ).