The What, Where and How of SEO

When I look at web sites, which is quite often, I tend to look for how well their content is optimized — from an on-page perspective, of course. Even when I am just trying to take in the content, I can’t help but notice title tags, directory and file names...

Think of Marketing like you would a chain

Like a chain, your marketing is only as strong as your weakest link. Here are some examples of things that are easily overlooked or  moved down the priority list, but can be corrected easily. Web site formatting/spacing issues. Cleanliness of lobby and offices...

Observations from around the Blogosphere

I've been reading a lot of different blogs lately, and here are a few things I wanted to share. 1. Here are some good posts on why big marketing budgets are not necessary for marketing. – Andy Sernovitz on a nice, simple word of mouth marketing campaign by...

The R&D Department

After my brief explanation of what has caused me to stop blogging for six weeks, I figured it would be good to give a glimpse of what'sto come. 1. I plan to start working on the second part of the my e-book, We Have a Web site. Now What. It will be dedicated to...