by Craig Rentmeester | Dec 20, 2007 | Miscellaneous
Here is a link to an interesting article I read earlier this week and meant to link to sooner. It is from Search Engine Watch. If you don’t read their blog already, I strongly recommend it. It usually has useful tips and data regarding (obviously) search...
by Craig Rentmeester | Dec 17, 2007 | Miscellaneous
It’s likely that your ad or article will get flipped past or skimmed over. People rarely read magazines and newspapers cover to cover. Rather, they’ll scan headlines and articles for articles and topics that are relevant to them. What does that...
by Craig Rentmeester | Nov 27, 2007 | Miscellaneous
To keep things light, I figured I would dig up some renditions of theme songs. Not only are these performances fascinating, they go to show how catchy theme songs can actually be. Good work guys.
by Craig Rentmeester | Nov 16, 2007 | Miscellaneous
In media relations, the person to contact is the editor. Depending on the size of the publication, and especially at daily newspapers, it will likely be the editor a particular section (National, Local, Sports, A&E, etc. ) When establishing contact with an editor,...
by Craig Rentmeester | Nov 14, 2007 | Miscellaneous
Here is a fluid list of stories that publications often run. Business ProfilesBusiness IssuesCase StudiesColumnsInterviewsSeasonal articlesSidebarHow-to articlesInterviewsOp-EdPersonality ProfileHuman InterestEssayExposéPhoto EssaysLetter to the EditorReviews...