
To piggyback on the point I left open ended in my last post, I thought I would write about disclosure. A misconception is that the Internet provides anonymity. This is only true under certain circumstances and usually applies only when you don’t want to leave a...

Monitoring blogs

Do you have someone in your company that looks at industry-influencing blogs and tracks mentions of your company in the blogosphere? I am guessing you don’t.  Most companies still don’t understand how influential blogs can be. RSS feeds and Technorati...

6 Months of Blogging

My blog is 6 months old. As such, here’s an update on it has gone so far. $5.15  – earnings from Amazon and Google AdSense. $29.70 – paid to Typepad for hosting this blog.2,452  – total visitors.#1 search ranking on Yahoo! –...

Blogging for Business; Service Providers

I understand that some people are intimidated by computers and the Internet.  However, I don’t understand why service providers (Electricians, Plumbers, Landscapers, Painters, etc.) do not have Web sites or at least simple blogs. With easy-to-use, WYSIWYG...

This Blog is Paperless

Today is Blog Action Day, or so it has been branded. Just another day? Maybe. An attempt by the blogging community to show power and influence. Probably. However, this "holiday" hasn’t gone unnoticed by bloggers and blog readers. Blog action day has...