by Craig Rentmeester | Sep 11, 2009 | Business, Miscellaneous
In today’s world of time-strapped employees, it’s important to keep the focus on customers — not on internal rules, processes and bull shit that gets in the way of productive interactions. CSO – Common Sense Officer – The go-to person to...
by Craig Rentmeester | Sep 4, 2009 | Marketing & PR, SEO
People hire internet marketing firms and contractors for many different reasons. Some see competitors ranking highly and think they’re doing a ton of business online because of it. Others want more traffic. Others want to start selling products online. The...
by Craig Rentmeester | Aug 13, 2009 | Marketing & PR, Web/Tech
Now that I'm on Twitter, I needed to make a background recently. You'll notice I tried to keep the same style as my personal site. Where I StartedHere is a link to helpful article from Croncast on how to make a Twitter Background. There is one misprint...
by Craig Rentmeester | Aug 12, 2009 | SEO, Web/Tech
Google is re-working its search engine with a work-in-progress called Caffeine. You can preview it here. Notice, the preview does not have any AdWords ads, which would surely be included in a launch version. In my quick tests of Caffeine, the results...
by Craig Rentmeester | Jun 29, 2009 | Web/Tech
I’ve succumbed to the pressure and joined Twitter. You can follow me @CRentmeester I will try to keep the overlap between my twitter activity and blog content to a minimum.