After seeing this headline, Obamas juggle inaugral balls, in my RSS tab for, it made me think about headlines of articles I've read via via RSS recently that I can remember as having interesting titles.

CNN Headline Obama juggles inaugral balls

Hats off to Fast Company. I remembered four FC articles with interesting titles in particular. Also, 37Signals got in on the action.

* = Interesting article
– = Headline was better than the article
& = Great advice on customer service
% = Mildly interesting

The five I recalled were articles I've read in the past day, all via RSS.

Paper House for Disaster Zone Makes Three Little Pigs Jealous – FC
Wireless Electricity is Here (Seriously) – FC
The Bullshit of Outage Language – 37Signals – Signal vs. Noise blog
% These Cars are so Green they should be recycled immediately – FC
A House Optimus Prime Would Love – FC