Consultants Need to Know Your Constraints

There comes a time when you need to work with a consultant, or even just a specialist. Whether she's a doctor, a salesperson, or a web designer, I've found that the best approach is to give them constraints. Often consultants will ask you to tell them about...

Cool tools for Internet Marketing

My company, Relevante Marketing, recently released a few tools for small business owners. The tools are free. They are intended to help you forecast ROI for Pay-Per-Click Advertising or Internet Marketing as a whole. Give them a try. Any feedback you have is...

Search Gets Bit by the Real-Time Web Bug

Check it out here (search phrase: SEO), and read the full story here.Executive Summary: Google is displaying real-time data feeds from Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Takeaways1. Be careful who you bash.2. The SEO game has just officially gone social.